b'In 2020, the Nine out of Ten Ambassadors program was NINEredesigned into a rotating student advisory committee to the Jordan Porco Foundation. 6 passionate and dedicated college students were carefully selected to participate in the inaugural OUT OFyear of this adapted model, providing invaluable student perspective to JPF organizational campaigns and programmatic decision making. In addition to executing legacy projects TEN to further the mission of the Jordan Porco Foundation, these Ambassadors fundraised almost $3000 for JPF.Check In, a division of Fresh Check Day and the newest JPF CHECK IN program, made its debut in 2020. Check In takes the best of JPFs signature Fresh Check Day program for colleges and universities and makes it available to schools, communities, New JPFand workplaces outside of the higher ed sector. On January Program 29, 2020, Newtown High School in Connecticut piloted their Piloted infirst Check In Fair for 345 students! 20202020 FIRST CHECK IN FAIR345 StudentsNEWTON HIGH SCHOOL IN CONNECTICUTJordan Porco Foundation 2020 Annual Report 11'