For over 10 years, the Jordan Porco Foundation has been delivering high quality mental health programs for colleges & universities, engaging and impacting hundreds of thousands of college students all across the country.

Fresh Check Day

The signature program of the Jordan Porco Foundation, Fresh Check Day is an engaging and uplifting mental health promotion event for colleges that features interactive booths, a festive social atmosphere, and exciting prizes and giveaways.

Fresh Check Day helps to build a bridge between students and the mental health resources and programs that exist on campus, in the community, and on a national level. Using a peer-to-peer messaging model, Fresh Check Day utilizes student groups in addition to college/university staff to develop and execute interactive booths that deliver mental health and resource information in a fun and engaging way.

Fresh Check Day continues to produce high impact results, earning its place in the SPRC’s Best Practices Registry. Post-event surveys underline the program’s quality, efficacy, and vital importance to college communities across the country.

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Nine out of Ten Ambassadors

Inspired by the statistic that about 1 in 10 college students contemplates suicide, Nine out of Ten Ambassadors are college students from around the country that serve as a rotating student advisory committee to the Jordan Porco Foundation.

Nine out of Ten Ambassadors play an integral role at the Jordan Porco Foundation (JPF), providing the student perspective to organizational campaigns and programmatic decision making. Ambassadors exhibit strong leadership skills, unique insight, and passion and dedication to mental health awareness and suicide prevention. As extensions of the Foundation, they act as JPF brand ambassadors, sharing JPF’s mission of preventing suicide, promoting mental health, and creating a message of hope for young adults.

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