b'SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY MESSAGEfrom the presidentO ur signature program reached a new milestone in 2023 as a recognized best practice with the Suicide Prevention Resource Center. Our program team has been diligent in our annual quality improvement processes and monitoring fidelity to the program design. Data collection and keeping this program relevant to the emerging needs of our young adults as we evolved over the past decade has helped make Fresh Check Day an annual event on campuses across the country. Students and administrators look forward to the event, and many have incorporated this into their public health strategy to reach the students they serve. Our program would not have been possible without the generous support of our donors, sponsors and grant funders.With gratitude,MarisaMarisa Giarnella, LCSW Co-Founder, President and CEOOUR MISSIONThe Jordan Porco Foundation (JPF)s mission is toprevent suicide, promote mental health, and create amessage of hope for youth and young adults. We provideengaging and uplifting programming emphasizingpeer-to-peer messaging promoting help-seekingbehavior, self-care, and coping skills. Our programschallenge stigma by talking openly about mental health,and educating about the risk factors and warning signsof suicide and other related mental health concerns. 2 Jordan Porco Foundation 2023 Annual ReportJordan Porco Foundation 2023 Annual Report 3'