b'SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY BOARD CLINICALof directors advisorsTHE JORDAN PORCO FOUNDATIONS Dr. Mercy Arias,PsyD, CAP,Chairperson,BOARD CONSISTS OF THE FOUNDERS: Department of Social Sciences,Miami Ernie Porco Chairman and Co-Founder Dade CollegeMarisa GiarnellaCo-Founder, President and CEO Dr. Rocio Chang,PsyD,Clinical Research AS WELL AS THE FOLLOWING Associate, University of Connecticut Health DEDICATED INDIVIDUALS: Center, Psychiatry DepartmentChristopher G. Aroh CPA, CohnReznick Dr. Elizabeth Cracco,PhD, Executive Director April Brackett VP Head of Marketing atof Wellness/Access/Prevention, Wellness Westfield SpecialityAdministration, UMASS AmherstSteve BurkhartConsultantAndi CampbellPresident, Wellspark Health Celeste Jorge , MPH, Epidemiologist, Milan ChandClinical Assistant, BA in Evaluation and Performance Data Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania,Coordinator, CT Department of Public HealthC 24 Peter F. CulverEsquire, CEO, IWM Advisors, LLC Michele Martin,MS, Manager of Training, Theddeus IheanachoMD, Chair of theCertification, and Accreditation with the Department of Behavioral Health with American Associaion of Suicidology Trinity Health of NEMichael K. Kalman Founder, Propel Partners Dr. Steven C. RogersMD, MS-CTR, Michael KuziakChief Operating Officer, Pediatric Emergency Medicine physician Laz Parking at Connecticut Childrens, Associate Professor Clement Lewin PhD, MBA, Principalof Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine, CSL Vaccine Consulting University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Cassandra MichelBA Graduate Student (MPH)Associate Director of Research, Director of Yale University School of Public Health Emergency Mental Health Services for the Vittoria PaceMBA, Vice President, PersonalEmergency Department, and Co-PI for Injury Lines, Auto and Property, The HartfordFree Coalition for Kids at the Connecticut Sarah Kate Venison LMFT, Founder, Childrens Injury Prevention CenterPsychotherapist and Consultant, SKVenison, LLC Dr. Barry A. Schreier,PhD, Director of HONORARY BOARD MEMBERS: University Counseling Services and Clinical Carlo Fusco, Chief Underwriter, Mass Mutua Professor of Psychology, University of IowalAlan B. Lazowski Chairman,Dr. Harold (Hank) I. Schwartz , MD, Founder LAZ Parking Institute of Living, Psychiatrist-in-Chief Ivan Maisel AuthorEmeritus, Hartford HealthCareCarla M. McCallCo-managing Partner, AAFCPAsJohn Jack Soos Director, Business Operations,Dr. Jason F. Sikorski,PhD, Associate Starbucks Professor of Psychological Science, Central Tom Steen Consultant Connecticut State UniversitySTAFFMarisa GiarnellaCo-Founder, President and CEO Jared BuchananDevelopment AssociateLeah NelsonDirector of Programs Mike DalyOffice ManagerNick MarinelliSenior Program Coordinator Carissa PeckrulProgram CoordinatorBeth HolcombEvent Manager16 Jordan Porco Foundation 2023 Annual ReportJordan Porco Foundation 2023 Annual Report 17'