b'THRIVING 2012-2018Fresh Check Day Yearly Growth By StatesPrior to 2015, CT was the only state to hold Fresh Check Day. In 2018, 36 states plus the District of Columbia held Fresh Check Days! UNIVERSITY OF IOWA (IA)Recipient of the 2018 Outstanding Fresh Check Day Campus Award. Over 23 different organizations were represented on the planning committee and over 700 students attended their October Fresh Check Day! HAWAII COMMUNITY COLLEGE (HI)Aloha Hawaii! First Fresh Check Day in Hawaii. They were just 1 of 17 community colleges to hold Fresh Check Day in 2018. MONTANA TECH (MT)Montana Tech, along with Helena College, put Montana on the Fresh Check Day map in 2018. Fresh Check Day is becoming more and more popular among tech schools, where these students tend to be at greater risk. KNOX COLLEGE (IL)A close runner-up for the 2018 Outstanding Fresh Check Day Campus Award, Knox College implemented a Breaking Barriers booth that sought to educate students on the unique needs and barriers communities of color face when it comes to seeking out mental health services. YALE UNIVERSITY (CT)550 students attended this 100% student-led Fresh Check Day! Yale University and Dartmouth College represented the Ivy League institutions, both holding Fresh Check Days in 2018.2018 Student Survey Results77% 85% 83% 82% 80%more aware of warningmore aware ofmore prepared tomore likely to askmore comfortable signs of suicide resources available help a friend for help if in distress talking about suicide'